A partnership for Public Safety & Information Sharing

Welcome to the West Palm Beach Police Department's Shield program. The Shield program is the Police Department's public-private partnership with businesses, leading security professionals and law enforcement agencies throughout the world.
The purpose of the Shield program is to strengthen the Department’s communication with our private sector partners. Shield provides an information and resource sharing platform that addresses emerging and evolving conditions within the City of West Palm Beach on all matters of public safety.
WPBPD Shield receives and disseminates information and intelligence from other Shield programs and our public/private partners. By engaging and sharing information with both private and public sector leaders, the Department creates a force multiplier to improve public safety.
The Shield program is designed for business owners, corporate leadership, Security Directors (or their equivalent), Assistant Security Directors, Security Managers, Law Enforcement, and Government Agency Personnel. Applicants must have a valid business or government email address. Personal email addresses will not be accepted
Community Connect
Life Safety
Community Connect allows Businesses & Residents to create a Life Safety Profile in minutes that can be shared with First Responders in case of an emergency at your Business or residence.
The Life Safety Plan includes information on:
occupants and contact information
Access and Functional Needs
Pets & Livestock
Building Access and Utilities

The Global Shield Network (GSN) consists of Law Enforcement/Intelligence Agencies from around the world that share information and intelligence with Private Sector Security Executives and Law Enforcement. The GSN exponentially increases the breadth and scope of intelligence and information shared between agency partners that ultimately gets routed to private sector members.